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Melbourne born, LA based artist and producer, BANOFFEE has become a staple in the electronic pop-music scene with her new wave, R’n’B sound, heightened with gliding synths, syncopated beats and textured vocals. More than just musically creative, Banoffee is quickly becoming a creative force in pop culture. Her influence has landed her features in Vogue, i-D, Oyster, Elle China, L’Officiel and Paper. Banoffee has toured extensively over the past year, including opening for Taylor Swift + Charli_XCX and King Princess. This spring she joins Empress Of across Europe, a solo tour and joining Cosmo’s Midnight tour in Australia. Her first full length album will be released early 2020.

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Village Sounds New Zealand is a booking agency representing the live touring of New Zealand & Australian artists in New Zealand. The agency focuses on nurturing artists' careers across all genres. The agency prides itself on long lasting relationships built through trust, respect, hard work & enjoyment, values which are reflected through our office culture and the clients we represent.

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